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Introducing: The SEO Strategist...

Introducing: The SEO Strategist...

Today, I'm proud to launch The SEO Strategist.

It's no secret that there's so much bullshit still doing the rounds when it comes to SEO advice, as well as so many tactics and approaches that don't get talked about anywhere near as often as they should.

So I've launched a platform where myself, the Digitaloft team (the SEO, content & digital PR agency that I'm proud to be the founder of), and maybe some guests can share their actionable tips and insights, in the hope that even just one SEO learns something that can help them to increase their site's (or their clients' site's) organic performance.

Ready to subscribe? Hit the button below to subscribe and you'll get notifications of new posts and our weekly SEO Quick Wins newsletter straight into your inbox.

If you need a little more convincing, keep reading. Here's a bit more insight into what's planned and what you can expect...

The SEO Strategist: A platform to share insights into SEO tactics that actually work...

One of the things I love the most about SEO is that there's no one right way of doing things. And this means so many more opportunities for us all to learn from each other.

The fact that there are multiple ways to achieve the same end result is a good thing, and, because of this, there's plenty of space for more of us to share insights into the way we do things.

The more exposure we get to how other people do things and approach different challenges, the better equipped we are to drive faster and more profitable growth for our own or our clients' sites.

People starting out in SEO today are lucky. When I first began learning how to rank a site on the SERPs in 2008, I spent hours reading the Moz blog (or SEOMoz as it was back then), Search Engine Land and Search Engine Watch.

Now, there are so many more great sources of information, ideas and inspiration.

And it's my own hunger to always be learning that encouraged me to launch this project. I take no shame in admitting that I'm going to be creating the content that I'd want to read, hoping that others take away something insightful from it, too.

But what are the plans?

The SEO Strategist will be built up of:

  • SEO Quick Wins: A weekly newsletter of easy-to-action tactics
  • Niche Site Growth Reports: A monthly deep-dive into the performance of a niche site portfolio
  • Guides & Tutorials: Helping you to supercharge your site's organic performance
  • Teardowns: A look at what's driving growth for high-performance sites

SEO Quick Wins: A weekly newsletter of easy-to-action tactics

I know what you're thinking; not another SEO newsletter.

But the goal is to create something a little different to others that are out there, something that isn't a roundup of weekly SEO news (#SEOFOMO does a great job of that) or a curation of the industry's best blog posts.

SEO Quick Wins is all about sharing things you can easily (and quickly) begin to implement that day to improve your site's organic performance.

Every Thursday (2pm UK), I'll be sharing one tip or easy-to-implement tactic and walking you through exactly how to action it.

SEO success comes from seeing small win after small win compound, and that's exactly the mindset that's inspired the newsletter. It's about helping you drive those small but valuable incremental gains.

You'll catch the first edition going out on 11th May.

Niche Site Growth Reports: A monthly deep-dive into the performance of a niche site portfolio

I've made it no secret that I'm actively building a portfolio of niche sites (yes, I hate that term too, but it seems like that's what the industry has latched onto...).

And one of the things I want to share is a monthly deep-dive into how the site's are performing and, perhaps most importantly, what's actually driving any growth we're seeing.

The portfolio's second site launched in April, and I'll be sharing exactly how a site on a brand new domain earned 9,922 page views in its first month.

Learn why we're making the strategic and tactical decisions we are and the impact that these are having as we build in public, sharing monthly growth reports; not just to keep ourselves accountable to continuously improving the performance, but also to show others what is, and isn't, working.

Guides & Tutorials: Helping you to supercharge your site's organic performance

Of course, I'll be sharing my knowledge on the tactics that are helping me to drive growth for my own and my clients' sites right now.

And I don't just want to publish different versions of content that's already out there. The real value I can add to the SEO community is by sharing my own approaches to some of the things that aren't talked about as often as I believe they should be, or new takes on old tactics.

As an example, very shortly I'll be sharing a tutorial that goes in detail as to how I recently overhauled our agency's entire content production workflow using Airtable as a central base.

Teardowns: A look at what's driving growth for high-performance sites

One of the most enjoyable parts of SEO, for me, is taking the time to dive deep into high-performing sites to learn what's working for them and what's driven their success.

Sometimes it's obvious, but often it's not; and I'll  be publishing a number of teardown pieces that share insights into what goes into the success of some of the most impressive organic growth stories out there.

But I don't plan on just sharing the success stories we've all seen; I want to take a deep-dive into some of the strategies that are maybe flying under the radar because they aren't driving millions of sessions each month, but dominating their own niche.

They're the strategies we can often truly learn the most from.

So, what are you waiting for?

Hit the 'Subscribe Now' button below and keep an eye on your inbox...

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